I did this makeup today and Matty (who you eager readers can find on my list of followers if you're just that desperate, but don't worry, I do realise that your not existing might make that a teensy bit difficult) gave me the idea. It's originally inspired by the clockwork orange, which no I have not seen but I really want to- particularly as it has inspired my makeup pretty often- even before I had so much as heard of it.
I also based the makeup on what Gerard Way and Pete Wentz have done before-
No one can deny that Gee looks amazing in that pic (for any idiots out there or just people lacking in their knowledge of my chemical romance, Gerard is the one in the white shirt)
anyway, after all that and without further ado, here it is, probably disappointing after the whole long talk about it.

makeup used: RIMMEL London 061 jet black pencil eyeliner (like it really matters what brand of eyeliner you use), the Body Shop shimmer smudger shade 07 and black Barry M liquid eyeliner. To be honest you could probably just do this whole thing with a pencil eyeliner, but it looks a teensy bit better with more resources.
lastly, if anyone (flossie, martha, mirri or anyone else who finds themselves on this blog) has any makeup tutorial needs (haven't ever tried one of them and I could try to make one i spose) or any general requests then just comment... for god's sake comment I need to feel appreciated!
See ya in hell! Katie...