Monday 28 June 2010

bumbly-bee :)

yesterday i discovered that i would make an awesome cat-burglar
i was locked out of the house, so i went round the side and into the garden, but that door was locked too... however, there was a tiny, high-up window open and in my garden there is a table and a few chairs.
So, i took a chair and put it under the window, then climbed up onto the top of the chair's back, balancing on a thin ledge of wood. then i turned around slowly and pushed myself up to sit down in the window (though first i had to pull an unused stuck on birdfeeder off the glass below). once i was sitting down i pulled my legs in tight and flipped my body around so i was facing into the room. if i jumped down id probably twist my ankle, so i jumped down onto the lid of the bin and then jumped down off the bin. i am now officially a ninja and am considering fashioning some sort of mask!
anyways, this blog post is supposed to be about
1) the fairy wings i made at the weekend
and 2) the bumble-bee themed makeup i did at the weekend
i don't actually have a picture of the fairy wings and they're not quite finished but i am muy proud of them and i did them at martha's house, using the same sort of technique that emilie autumn uses to make her fairy wings
the bumble-bee makeup was something i did at matty's house too and i do have a pic of it :)
it was sort of inspired by the summery weather and well, here it is :)
sorry for poor quality photos :S

simple eye, just yellow and black makeup with a bee on the side
more complicated eye, yellow and black + flowers and another bee
both eyes together :)
and here's the makeup i did ages ago when mirri and i went to oxford street together
yes. i am dressed like a freak
ADIOS! katie

Sunday 27 June 2010


IMPOTANT NEWS FOR MY FOLLOWERS (mirri and flossie, love u both)
ok, so (thanks to the lack of any real subject for this blog and my total utter love of strange and interesting makeup) i have decided to transform this blog from
"katie's random blog where she talks about random shiz" to "katie's random blog where she posts makeup pics and talks about random shiz"
this will also make it easier for me to post more often so mirri will get pissed off at me less often and i will feel like a slightly better person! YAY!