Thursday, 23 December 2010


Ello ello ello, roll up, roll up.
So, here we have a nice little make-up post, featuring some artwork, all over my face.
Be prepared for a whole bunch of pictures, all featuring my scary face...

White face paint- snazaroo from Partica, black face paint- snazaroo from Partica, black liquid eyeliner- Barry M, purple eyeshadow- Superdrug, dark purple lipstick- "Ruthless" from Topshop

Oooooh and while I'm blogging I think I'll add that I dyed my hair at some point in this Christmassy week. No more weird gingery stripy hair with weird blacky roots, now I'm all reddy brown- yay!
Oh, and while I'm still blogging, screw Clegg for breaking all his promises and screw Cameron for just generally being a shiny-faced bastard.
And now I'd talk about some more stuff, but I have salt-dough gifts to check on!

Thanks for reading, more posts soon hopefully!
Katie. Xx


  1. i LOVE LOVE LOVE! the first,third,fourth and last picture are really pretty and wow amazing make-up!!!! you HAVE to give me a make-over and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!xxxxx

  2. scarilicious but cool.xx
